The heart is not only an organ,
Its activities are inseparable from people's psychological state.
Both cardiovascular and psychological states
are inter-influence, inter-related, and inter-affect to each other.
When we are getting pressure externally or emotionally,
The body’s neurotransmitters will constantly fluctuate,
The body secretes a lot of adrenaline, norepinephrine, and dopamine,
Promote the continuous contraction of the capillary network,
Which leads to "poisoning" of the heart and cardiovascular system.
To make the body healthier, psychological problems really cannot be ignored!
Do you know which people are more likely to have cardiovascular and psychological problems?
1. THE ELDERLY - As they grow older, are accompanied by a variety of dysfunctions,
neurotransmitters are prone to abnormal secretion, nervousness is easy, and they are always uncomfortable with various things, which increases the burden on the heart.
2. PEOPLE IN MENOPAUSAL STATE - Before and after menopause, female hormone levels decrease, leading to disorders of the body's state and moodiness. After an average of men in their 50s, due to the decline in male hormone levels, they often feel powerless and become depressed easily.
3. PEOPLE WHO ARE SENSITIVE AND INTROVERTED, EASILY INJURED & ANXIOUS – Their bodies’ neuroendocrine systems are easily activated, and the secretion of adrenaline and norepinephrine increases, which can easily cause vasoconstriction and damage the coronary arteries.
4. PEOPLE WHO ARE WORRIED ABOUT THE RECURRENCE OF HEART DISEASE - due to the painful abnormality of the previous heart disease, even if the patient's heart surgery is successful and the cardiovascular recovery is good, the patient will always feel chest tightness, palpitation, etc. because of the fear of recurrence after the surgery, which will cause the heart to be in state deterioration.
5. VETERANS & PTSD PATIENTS – Based on American research, veterans and patients with post-traumatic psychological disorders are at higher risk of heart disease and coronary heart disease.
Do you or your loved ones, relatives, and friends also one of these groups?
Don't worry, AmLife welcomes you to attend our "World Mental Health Day" event in October! Let you easily grasp the in-depth and concise explanations of psychologists on-site and online, and protect your cardiovascular and mental health in a better way!
1. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2020, May 6). Heart Disease and Mental Health Disorders. Retrieved from
2. 碧沙康健. (2020, April 22). 鲜为人知的“双心病”:心理问题引发的躯体症状. Retrieved from